The Maharashtra government launched the Ladka Bhau Yojana for the state’s boys after the success of the Ladli Behna Yojana. The special initiative was announced on July 17 by Chief Minister Eknath Shinde. The Maharashtra government has introduced a new program Ladka Bhau Yojana 2024 aimed at helping young people. Through this, unemployed youth will receive โน 10,000 per month. The youth would receive financial aid under the Ladka Bhau Yojana 2024 to help them escape unemployment. The Maharashtra government plans to introduce several public welfare schemes before the assembly elections. Keep reading this article to learn more about the scheme and its benefits.
The objective of Ladka Bhau Yojana Maharashtra
The Maharashtra government launched the Ladka Bhau Yojana Maharashtra to give the state’s youth and students free vocational training. In addition, funding for additional education must be made available to the youth students. This funding will be given throughout the training program to help them find jobs and inspire them to work for themselves. The beneficiaries’ financial circumstances and living standards will improve as a result. There will also be a decline in the state’s unemployment rate. This program will guarantee the growth of the state’s youngsters and brighten their future so that they can advance in their careers. With the help of this scheme, the unemployment rate in Maharashtra will decrease.
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Helpful Summary of Ladka Bhau Yojana Maharashtra
Name of the scheme | Ladka Bhau Yojana Maharashtra |
Launched by | The Maharashtra government |
Beneficiary | Youth of the state |
Objective | Providing free skill training to youth |
Application Process | Online |
official website | Rojgar Mahaswayam Portal |
Financial Aid
Sr. No | Education qualification | Per Month Stipend |
1 | 12th pass | 6,000/- |
2 | ITI/ Diploma | 8,000- |
3 | Degree/ Post Graduation | 10,000/- |
Date of Launched
- The special initiative was announced on July 17 by Chief Minister Eknath Shinde.
Eligibility Criteria
- The applicant must be a native of the state of Maharashtra to qualify for the advantages of this scheme.
- This plan will only be available to students or young people living in Maharashtra.
- The candidate’s age range should be 18 to 35 years old.
- A diploma, graduation, or at least a 12th-grade pass should be required for education.
- Only the state’s jobless kids will be qualified for this program.
- The Aadhar card and the applicant’s bank account need to be connected.
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Benefits of Ladka Bhau Yojana Maharashtra
- Unemployed youth and students in the state will receive free training to help them become ready for the workforce under the Ladka Bhau Yojana Maharashtra.
- In addition to receiving training under this initiative, jobless kids would also receive a monthly financial assistance payment of Rs 10,000.
- The state government would give 12th grade pass youth, ITI pass youth and graduates Rs. 6,000, Rs. 8,000, and Rs. 10,000 per month during the training.
- This program is a significant step in improving the state’s youths’ technical and practical job abilities.
- You will receive six months of training from the government if you apply for Maharashtra’s Ladka Bhau Yojana.
- Following training, you will begin to receive compensation benefits.
- Ten lakh young people in Maharashtra will benefit from free training each year thanks to the Ladka Bhau Yojana.
Required Documents
- Aadhar card
- Address proof
- Age Certificate
- driving license
- Educational Qualification Certificate
- mobile number
- Passport size photograph
- Bank Account Passbook
Ladka Bhau Yojana Online Apply 2024
To apply for the Ladka Bhau Yojana Online you should follow the steps listed below:
Step 1: You must first go to Login for Ladka Bhau Yojana. After this, the website’s main page will appear to you.
Step 2: You must select the “New User Registration” option on the website’s home page.
Step 3: The application form will appear in front of you once you click.
Step 4: It is now your responsibility to thoroughly fill out the application form with all the requested information.
Step 5: You will then need to upload the necessary files. Lastly, you need to select the “Submit” button.
Step 6: Your application for the Ladka Bhau Yojana Maharashtra 2024 will be finished in this manner.
Login for Ladka Bhau Yojana
Step 1: First, go to the Ladka Bhau Yojana official website.
Step 2: You will be presented with the home page. Click the Login link now.
Step 3: fill in the Login credentials your username andpassword and all the details correctly.
Step 4: then click on Submit and you will be logged in.
Contact details
- Phone No:- 18001208041
What is Ladka Bhau Yojana 2024?
The Maharashtra government launched the Ladka Bhau Yojana for the state’s boys after the success of the Ladli Behna Yojana.
Who launched this scheme?
The special initiative was announced on July 17 by Chief Minister Eknath Shinde.
What are the benefits of this scheme? Through this, unemployed youth will receive โน 10,000 per month. The youth would receive financial aid under the Ladka Bhau Yojana 2024 to help them escape unemployment